Thursday, May 1, 2008

Book Room Contest Too Start!

Hello Penguins!

The Book Room story contest starts tomorrow! We know that a lot of you have great imaginations and love to write and many of you have suggested that we run another writing contest! I can't wait to see who wins!

Here are the contest details:

* Starting Thursday, May 1 go to the Club Penguin Times and find the contest page
* Pick a theme
* Write your story (up to 500 words)
* Submit it (you can copy and paste into the contest form in the newspaper)
* Submissions will be accepted until May 7
* 3 winners will be chosen and their stories added to the Book Room on May 30!

In other news: You may have noticed you can now play Club Penguin in 'Big Screen' mode! It was launched yesterday--something many of you have suggested for a long time! When you login to Club Penguin the view mode of Club Penguin will be bigger than it was before we launched this feature.

To make the 'Big Screen' mode bigger or smaller, simply change the size of your browser window by shrinking or expanding it. As always, let us know what you think!

Until then...waddle on!

-The Club Penguin Team
By BillyBob on April 30 2008 12:11 | Comments (38)

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